Bebe buell playboy naked

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we give her a chance to star in her ownĪ callipygian special dedicated to those of us who are given to hindsight The life of this top model consists mostly of acting out other people's fantasies.

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The Dreams Of Apollonia photographed by Ara Gallant Savalas may have worn out his welcome on the tube but out there in the real world he still comes off as sex symbol, superstar and crowd pleaser supremeĭebra Jo Fondren photographed by Francis Giacobettiĭebra jo fondren, the editors'-and readers'-choice for playmate of the year, takes a thrill-of-a-lifetime trip to paris and the bahamas to pose for leading european movie director/glamor photographer francis giacobettti

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Telly Loves Ya! by Mark Goodman, illustrated by Herb Davidson George Burns interviewed by Arthur Cooper with photography by Carl IriĪ candid conversation with a promising young comedian, actor and singer June playmate gail stanton is a new-fashioned memphis belle As photographer Robert Scott Hooper says, 'Only the best for Debra.' According to Princiotta-known for, among other achievements, a 30-foot sculpture of a whale and, would you believe?, a set of Howard Hughes commemorative medallions-there are 90 faces in the comb. Playmate of the Year Debra Jo Fondren is combing her golden tresses with 17 ounces of pure silver fashioned into a comb by Alaskan sculptor Josef Princiotta.

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Debra Jo Fondren photographed by Robert Scott Hooper

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